A blog, short for web log, is a place for you to write about your experiences or views and can be used as a place to present ideas and thoughts.
Your Blog entry could be about a variety of topics, for example:
- applying for jobs
- 'survival tips' for other students
- mental health issues
- medication and treatments
- learning hints
We can publish your blog here after a brief approval process.
Writing a blog for us
Before you get in touch please check you have included the following:
- A draft blog entry, which should be a personal story / view.
- No more than 500 words that has been checked for spelling and grammar.
- Your author profile - a few lines about you plus your photo if you would like one to be shown or photos relating to the blog topic.
- Please protect the anonymity of other people.
- We may edit your blog posts, subject to your approval.
- Check out Stuart's Danish blog for an example
If you would like to write a blog for us please email: alow@gcu.ac.uk