Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Abby Lafferty's Poem "David"

During the final day of Contemporary Approaches to Mental Health students viewed a video entitled 'David's Story: In his own words.' In response to this Abby wrote the following poem.


I watched you from the other side
Nurtured you until you could fly
Day after day I watched you grow
Piece by piece a new feather arose
It was magical, beautiful, like nothing I’d ever seen before
Like a sunrise after a storm
A kiss after the sting of a thorn
And you were the one that kept me strong
Maybe when we die we all become birds I thought
As I felt my heart miss a beat
As I watched them tear into his battered beak
Don’t worry I’ll help you eat
I rolled up the bread piece by piece
Day after day a perfect streak
Now he was strong and I watched him leave.
Now back to my side
I doubt I’ll ever be able to fly
There’s no genuine hand reaching to me
There goes another sigh.

I'm lonely in here,
Can you die of loneliness?
I think I might,
Because there’s nothing in sight
This future, my future seems anything but bright.
There was a time I believed I could move mountains,
Clap my hands and the clouds would stop raining
There was a time where I felt so low I could have stopped breathing
and would not have cared you know
I’d take a handful of whatever washed down with some lager
And go into a sleep that id wish would be forever
There was a time where I was happy I was in love and she was on my side
I felt giddy, excited and hopeful again
And now I'm back in here on the other side
They’re spouting words at me,
I think it’s called recovery
Something about a journey

I can’t remember it all seems so empty
I wonder if anyone would nurture me
Take me under their wing,
Piece by piece Step by step
Maybe I could sort this thing I think they call bi-polar disorder
Higher than high, lower than low
I prefer to call it feeling shit, and that’s all I think you need to know
Maybe recovery should be reality
Speak to me when I ask them tae 
Just now I feel
I am only existing
And couldn’t be further from truly living
This fairy tale ending
they like to call my well-being
And I when I refuse just about everything,
And Bite the hand that’s trying to feed me
Please don’t give up on me
Even if I ask ye tae.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Student Poster Presented at 2nd Scottish Mental Health Nursing Research Conference

We are delighted that GCU Mental Health students Lizzie Burns and Hazel Thomson represented students at the recent Mental Health Nursing Research Conference at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. Members of the Mental Health Nursing teaching team supported the students and attended the conference. The students presented their poster / paper  titled: Recovery Rollercoaster.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

GCU MH Students win poster prize at ENTER CONFERENCE

Hazel & Lizzie pictured with Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Scotland Associate Director Ellen Hudson.

GCU Mental Health Nursing students represented by Lizzie Burns & Hazel Thompson were rewarded with First Prize today at the ENTER Conference at Stirling University. The conference Showcased the range of nursing educational developments and research being conducted across Scotland and discussed how educators and practitioners could best integrate educational developments and research into practice.

Well done Lizzie and Hazel!

Thursday, 30 August 2012

We want you to write your own blog

A blog, short for web log, is a place for you to write about your experiences or views and can be used as a place to present ideas and thoughts.
Your Blog entry could be about a variety of topics, for example:
  • applying for jobs
  • 'survival tips' for other students
  • mental health issues
  • medication and treatments
  • learning hints
We can publish your blog here after a brief approval process.
Writing a blog for us
 Before you get in touch please check you have included the following:
  • A draft blog entry, which should be a personal story / view.
  • No more than 500 words that has been checked for spelling and grammar.
  • Your author profile - a few lines about you plus your photo if you would like one to be shown or photos relating to the blog topic.
  • Please protect the anonymity of other people.
  • We may edit your blog posts, subject to your approval.
  • Check out Stuart's Danish blog for an example
Go on get involved.
If you would like to write a blog for us please email: alow@gcu.ac.uk

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

21/06/12 Student Poster Exhibition

Recovery Posters Designed by students in Restoring Mental Health Module (May-June 2012)

Pamela Foye, Jennifer Rushe, Diane Mclaughlin, Rachel Griffin and Shirley Macleod poster.
Kathleen McAleer
Sinead Allan, Elizabeth Braidwood, Natasha Burrows, Stuart Clark, Edward Mutondoro & Lynn Thornton