I watched you from the other side
Nurtured you until you could fly
Day after day I watched you grow
Piece by piece a new feather arose
It was magical, beautiful, like
nothing I’d ever seen before
Like a sunrise after a storm
A kiss after the sting of a thorn
And you were the one that kept me
Maybe when we die we all become birds
I thought
As I felt my heart miss a beat
As I watched them tear into his
battered beak
Don’t worry I’ll help you eat
I rolled up the bread piece by piece
Day after day a perfect streak
Now he was
strong and I watched him leave.
Now back to my side
I doubt I’ll ever be able to fly
There’s no genuine hand reaching to
There goes
another sigh.
I'm lonely in here,
Can you die of loneliness?
I think I might,
Because there’s nothing in sight
This future,
my future seems anything but bright.
There was a time I believed I could
move mountains,
Clap my hands and the clouds would
stop raining
There was a time where I felt so low
I could have stopped breathing
and would not have cared you know
I’d take a handful of whatever washed
down with some lager
And go into a sleep that id wish
would be forever
There was a time where I was happy I
was in love and she was on my side
I felt
giddy, excited and hopeful again
And now I'm back in here on the other
They’re spouting words at me,
I think it’s called recovery
about a journey
I can’t remember it all seems so
I wonder if anyone would nurture me
Take me under their wing,
Piece by piece Step by step
Maybe I could sort this thing I think
they call bi-polar disorder
Higher than high, lower than low
I prefer to
call it feeling shit, and that’s all I think you need to know
Maybe recovery should be reality
Speak to me when I ask them tae
now I feel
I am only existing
And couldn’t
be further from truly living
This fairy tale ending
they like to call my well-being
And I when I refuse just about
And Bite the hand that’s trying to
feed me
Please don’t give up on me
Even if I
ask ye tae.
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